

Veneers services offered in Montrose, CA

Veneers services offered in Montrose, CA

It’s normal for teeth to become discolored, cracked, and misshapen. Custom-fitted, naturally elegant porcelain veneers are a great choice to revitalize your smile. The experienced providers at Montrose Dental Specialty in Montrose, California, offer tooth-colored porcelain veneers with noninvasive, nonsurgical attachment procedures. If you want to restore your confidence and brighten your smile, call the practice today or use the website to book an appointment.

What are veneers?

Veneers are tooth-colored, hard shells that fit over the front of your teeth. Veneers can improve the shape and shade of your teeth — making them white or giving them more volume. Your provider can bond veneers without dental surgery or other painful, invasive procedures.

When would I need veneers?

You can benefit from veneers if you’d like to fix problems with your smile that include: 

  • Misshapen teeth
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Stains
  • Discoloration
  • Gaps in your smile
  • Rough teeth
  • Weakened teeth
  • Tooth shape and volume

Before proceeding with veneers, your provider will make sure you’re free of gum disease and cavities and don’t need another dental procedure like a root canal.

They might also suggest a professional cleaning before proceeding with veneers.

If you care properly for your veneers and maintain good oral health, they are long-lasting and not likely to stain.

What happens during veneer treatment?

At your first appointment, your provider takes a digital scan of your mouth. They send these scans to an outside dental lab that creates your personalized porcelain veneers. They’ll fit perfectly over your natural teeth.

The lab typically takes 2-4 weeks to make the veneers and return them to the practice. In the meantime, your provider could have you wear temporary veneers.

Once your veneers are ready, you return to Montrose Dental Specialty. Your provider will gently numb your teeth and remove a small portion of your natural tooth enamel, then bond the veneer securely to each tooth.

The veneers should feel comfortable and not change your natural bite.

No-prep porcelain veneers, like Lumineers® and Vivaneers, are faster, less invasive to apply, and don’t require local anesthetics or temporary veneers. Because there’s no need to remove layers of tooth under your enamel, no-prep veneers only affect the enamel.

After you receive your porcelain veneers, you can return to your routine. Avoid chewing on hard foods for a few days, and continue to brush and floss daily.

If you want to brighten your smile with porcelain veneers, reach out online today or call Montrose Dental Specialty.